Bot Privacy policy:

By using Funny cat you agree that some data you give to the bot will be stored on a server located in the United States of America

Do NOT store any confidential or otherwise important data in funny cat as it will be stored in an unencrypted database.

If a data leak were to hypothetically occur i am not responsible or to be held accountable for any damage done.

You have been warned.

The data that will be used includes but is not limited to:

Data stored internally in the Funny cat server

This data will be stored internally on a server managed by me.

%tag command entries (Stored in an sqlite database)

%archive command messages (Stored in an sqlite database)

%ffmpeg and %ffmpeg2 As well as other commands where you input a file (Inputted media will be temporarily stored for processing by FFmpeg or other tools and will be deleted as soon as possible)

%appendpasta command entries (Contact bot owner to request removal)

Data stored/processed externally on third party services[edit source]

This data will be stored/processed in accordance to each service's respective privacy policy.

If you do not want your data to be processed by one of these services then simply don't use the command.

%sauce search entries (Handled by SauceNao)

%img queries (Handled by Google)

%whatanime queries (Handled by

%fraudcheck queries (Handled by IPQualityScore)

%iplocation queries (Handled by