Command | Description | Usage |
accountage | Shows how old your accounts is | %accountage @user |
activity | Changes the bot's game activity (bot owner only) | %activity hi |
aiwaifu | Sends an AI Generated waifu | %aiwaifu |
rate | Rates someone | %rate @user |
ask | Ask the bot a question | %ask How are you? |
avatar | Get someone's avatar | %avatar @user |
bmi | Calculate your BMI (Body mass index), Units are in Kg and Meters | %bmi 50 1.80 |
convert | Converts 2 units | %convert |
dict | Look up the definition of a word | %dict vehicle |
femboyrate | Rates how much of a femboy someone is | %femboyrate @user |
frame | Frames someone to say something | %frame userid Hi |
hugging | Generates a hugging caption image | %hugging user1 user2 |
imagesearch | Reverse searches an image on Google | %imagesearch |
img | Searches an image on Google | %img "funny cats" |
iplocation | Get the location of an IP | %iplocation |
kissing | Generates a kissing caption image | %kissing person person2 |
lying | Generates the has me lying copypasta with a specific person | %lying userid he/she |
nmap | Runs an Nmap scan (bot owner only) | %nmap |
opinion | Gives you my opinion on someone | %opinion @user |
orgyship | Orgy ship | %orgyship @user @user2 @user3 @user4 @user5 |
ship | Ships 2 people | %ship @user @user2 |
ship2 | ship, but better | %ship2 person1 person2 |
threesomeship | Ships 3 people together | %threesomeship @user @user2 @user3 |
osu | Searches for a user or a beatmap on osu! | User search: %osu user josesucks Beatmap Search: %osu beatmap id (the id is at the end of the beatmap url |
passgen | Generates a password | %passgen length |
ping | Pings a website | %ping |
pocky | Generates a pocky caption image | %pocky user user2 |
randnum | Generates a random number | %randnum |
randompasta | Gets a random copypasta from the database | %randompasta |
appendpasta | Adds a copypasta to the database | %appendpasta Zero two has me lying on my back |
randomwaifu | Gets a random waifu | %randomwaifu |
randomwaifu2 | Gets a random waifu (better command) | %randomwaifu2 |
react | Reacts to a message (remove soon) | %react messageid |
request | Makes a URL Request (remove soon) | %request URL |
say | Makes the bot say something | %say Hello |
screenshot | Screenshots a website | %screenshot URL |
servers | Lists of servers the bot is in | %servers |
speedconvert | Converts a speed unit | %speedconvert kmh 100 |
tempconvert | Converts a temperature unit | %tempconvert c 40 |
translate | Translates something | %translate en ar Hello |
typing | Makes the bot type | %typing |
urban | Searches for a word in the urban dictionary | %urban man |
webhooktransmit | Sends a webhook (debug command) | %webhook URL name AVATAR hi |
weightconvert | Converts a weight unit | %weightconvert kg 45 |
whatanime | Searches for an anime using tracemoe with a screenshot | %whatanime [attachment] |
wordcloud | Generates a wordcloud | %wordcloud 100 |
yomama | Sends a Yo Mama joke | %yomama |
duckduckgo | Searches for a term on DuckDuckGo | %duckduckgo python 1 |
kiss, hug, and poke | Reacts with a hug, kiss or poke gif. User argument required | %kiss @man %hug @man %poke @man |
gelbooru | Search for images on gelbooru with tags | %gelbooru reizei_mako |
gay | Draws a gay overlay over an image | %gay [attachment] |
lyrics | Search for the lyrics of a song | %lyrics vanilla salt |
aita | Returns a random post from r/AmitheAsshole | %aita |
tag | Tag command similar to notsobot's | %tag add jose :slightly_smiling_face: %tag remove jose %tag list %tag jose |
invite | Gives you an Oauth2 invite for the bot | %invite |
politeness | Unofficial API for | %politeness How are you? |
fraudcheck | Checks if an IP is fraudulent | %fraudcheck |
sauce | SauceNao search | %sauce [attachment] |
ruined | React with ruined | %ruined @someone |
charactersearch | Searches for an anime character | %charactersearch mako |
animesearch | Searches for an anime from myanimelist | %anime yagate kimi ni naru |
define | Defines a word | %define keyboard |
ping | Returns the bot's latency | %ping |
genderguesser | Guesses a name's gender | %genderguesser joe |
ffmpeg | Allows you to convert videos (you must attach a file) | %ffmpeg mkv |
ffmpeg2 | FFMpeg, but with more advanced functionality | %ffmepg2 format args Example: %ffmpeg2 mp4 -af acrusher=.1:1:64:0:log -filter:v scale=100:-1 |
twerkradio | Plays twerk radio in the VC you're currently in | %twerkradio |
sfx | Plays a sound effect in the VC you're currently in | %sfx fart Available sound effects: 001 amogus2 amogus araara badumtss battery bruh dialup drip fail fart funny jamal jew ksi laugh lebronjames lolimoan2 lolimoan3 lolimoan4 lolimoan niggaballs notification2 notification3 notification ohhellnaw reallyniga s2 sus thisis thud tvlaugh twerkradio weed windowserror2 windowserror |
allsfx | Plays all sound effects at once | %allsfx |
youtubedl | Allows you to download a Youtube video | %youtubedl |
archive | Archive someone's message in the funny cat database | %archive messageid |
archivelookup | Retrives an archived message from the funny cat database | %archivelookup messageid |
encryptimg | Encrypts an image, making it unviewable without decryption | %encryptimg password (attach an image) |
decryptimg | Decrypts an encrypted image | %decryptimg password (attach an encrypted image) |
dumpy | Bootleg among us dumpy bot | %dumpy 10 (attach an image) |
status | Shows the funny cat server status and bandwidth usage | %status |
play | Plays a media file from a given URL in the VC you're currently in (Supports Youtube videos) | %play %play WARNING: DO NOT PLAY A VIDEO LONGER THAN 30 MINUTES VIOLATING SERVERS WILL BE BLACKLISTED |
ytplay | Plays a Youtube Video (Works without a URL) | %ytplay search_term WARNING: DO NOT PLAY A VIDEO LONGER THAN 30 MINUTES VIOLATING SERVERS WILL BE BLACKLISTED |
shittyytplay | ytplay, but distorted |
see ytplay usage above |
stop | Stops all playback in the VC you're currently in. Permissions aren't yet implemented so anyone can run that command. |
%stop |